User can export figure or data for the current view on ProteinPaint. Mouse over the “More” link following the data set handles for a menu, then click “Export SVG” to download an SVG file as the screenshot of current view, like the example below:
The exported figure will contain following contents, many will reflect user’s customization:
- Datasets that are currently displayed, including custom data
- Expand/fold states of all mutations
- Sequences in the protein if at zoom-in level
- Show/hide state of exon boundaries
- Sunburst charts
- Protein domains without the hidden ones
- All mutations without the hidden classes or origins
- Legend for protein domain, mutation class and origin
Following is another screenshot showing a customized graph, leaving out exon boundaries, three types of domains, and missense mutations:
The exported figure is an SVG file, which can be viewed on a web browser, printed to a PDF file, or edited using a text editor. Note that the exported SVG file can be properly displayed in Adobe Illustrator CS2 but not CS6.
To export SNV/indel data, use either one of the two buttons labeled “html” and “text”. This will export the entire sets of mutation data from all figures shown in ProteinPaint, without filtering.