Data Types & Graphs

Last updated: 2 years ago (view history), Time to read: 4 mins

Below is a highlight of supported data types visualized by ProteinPaint and GenomePaint within VisCom.

Code = traditional code editor view

Easy = new easy editor view

| .bai | .bam | .bw | .fpkm | .gz | .tbi | .hic | .txt |

Data Types Graph Editor
Heatmap heatmap square Code
Bigwig bigwig square Easy
BigWig Stranded bigwig stranded square Easy
Single Cell singlecell square Code
PGV pgv square Code
MA+ VolcanPlot mavb square Code
Hi-C hic square Easy
Lollipop lollipop square Code
FusionEditor fusion editor square N / A
Expression Rank exprank square Easy
VCF vcf square Easy
Splice junction junction square Easy
Splice junction of cohort junction cohort square Easy
Bam bam square Easy
Ase ase square N / A
JSON BED bedj square Easy
Scatterplot scatterplot square Code
Studyview lollipop square Code
Aicheck aicheck square Easy
MAF-timeline maf timeline square N / A
Arc arc square Easy
2DMAF 2dmaf square N / A
Data Facet Table tklist square Code

*GenomePaint is supported via the code editor.

N/A = not supported at this time.