Visualization Community (VisCom)

Last updated: 2 years ago (view history), Time to read: 2 mins

St. Jude Cloud’s Visualization Community (VisCom) is a safe environment where you can explore, create and analyze curated visualizations that utilize ProteinPaint and GenomePaint.

Explore and Create

As of date, we have over 75 publicly curated visualizations, with an average of 1k views (greatest >12K), an optimized free-text search engine and filters to query metadata to allow a user to explore unique visualizations to spot trends and detect outliers in massive high-dimensional data.

Once you find the visualization you need within VisCom, you can easily re-create it by any of the choices below: 1.) copying the curated code block displayed for a visualization. 2.) by viewing our library of curated code blocks. 3.) or explore our new visualization editor with curated pre-filled examples.



  • You can explore shared visualizations by searching or filtering by institution, data type, lab, author, PubMedID, and even by diagnosis.
  • St. Jude’s visualization tools ProteinPaint and GenomePaint allow world class genomic or proteomic visualizations
  • Visualizations can be shared and managed before becoming publicly available. Teams can be developed to provide a secure, private workspace for instant collaboration. Once public, adding a permalink or PubMedID to the visualization increases the profile and accessibility to your figure(s).
  • We even offer Communities to share and unify research within a genre of research.



  • Create sophisticated visualizations without being a computational scientist or engineer
  • Unravel discoveries to accelerate life-saving research based on the visual analysis
  • Collaborate with others by exploring and sharing visualizations within a community or team


  • ProteinPaint and GenomePaint are developed & supported by Xin Zhou’s Lab
  • Visualization Community is developed by the St. Jude Cloud team to facilitate scientific research using St. Jude-developed visualization tools. For more information, please read the paper or contact us at If you need to cite Visualization Community, please see this page.


If you wish to have your own license of ProteinPaint please follow this guideline.